Thursday 3 March 2016


What we commonly call as blood in urine is in medical terms known as ‘hematuria’. Usually blood in urine may not be a serious health issue but it is always advisable to consult a doctor because it may be a symptom of some serious health problem. Treatment if initiated is usually for the underlying cause, if the cause is identified.

The discolouration in the urine may sometimes be due to some food you have taken, medicines or ‘beeturia’ from excessive intake of beetroot!

What causes blood in urine?

Urine is produced in the kidneys and so the blood may originate in the kidneys or it may come from other structures in the urinary system like the ureter (tubes from the kidney to urinary bladder), Urinary bladder (where urine is stored) or the urethra (tube from bladder to outside of the body).

Symptoms of Hematuria

The occurrence of blood in the urine is a very obvious symptom of hematuria. The urine which is normally yellow in color may now appear pinkish, red, dark brown or tea coloured. Sometimes the blood in the urine may not change the color of the urine and can be found only in a lab through microscopic examination, this is called as microscopic hematuria. Some additional symptoms are seen when there are relevant underlying causes which may be mild or severe. Read More

Neurology Doctors in Chennai

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